Group Show and Pop Up
“To think is to destroy. The very proceeding of thought proposes it to thought itself, because to think is to decompose” Fernando Pessoa
Breaking with what is already built/established can be one of the most complex tasks for human beings. As we go through life, we are educated to build up and placate our destructive nature.
“It is up to the artist to reveal that destruction hides a powerful germ of beauty”, says Aldo Pellegrini.
Arcanum XVI of the tarot is one of the most feared, The Tower. It shows us chaos; a brick tower from which flames are released, there is fire and people desperately throwing themselves into the void. This card speaks of profound and transformative changes through the destruction of rigid ideas.
In economic systems and also in art, there is an obligation to production, however creative processes have their times and do not respond to the internet instantaneity. To harvest something you have to wait for the fruits to ripen. Or for them to rot in the highest crown of the tree, burned by the sun’s rays.
Who do we want to fool? who could create big sculptures, incredible pictorial works and write the most beautiful sonnets without depleting their own resources.
Maintaining the balance between horror and humor, between destroying and building could be a response to the pressure of productivity, since neither of these concepts exists without the other. Giving space to the ephemeral works as an escape route, building castles in the air or in the sand. Convening to lift a construction, as the hours pass the sunset falls and the tide rises, the waves break against the palace of sand vanishing what once constituted a fort. Or better still
to jump with all your might on the erected work with the tranquility of the sound of the sea. This act works as a collaborative and cathartic exercise in which we all share the experience of observing the fall of the tower and we celebrate its collapse.
The law of conservation of energy states that nothing is lost, everything is trans- formed. In this case the decomposition of the fruit is only part of its process, it falls to the ground and nourishes the earth again. Hexagram 23 of the iching has the name of disintegration; There is no better example of the untamed than that of
a house leveled by a natural disaster. All destruction releases an enormous amount of energy.
Ivanna Donoso
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